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Showing 21 - 30 of 261 results

Campus Ministry Leader's Guide

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This PDF-format leader's guide, a separately available companion component to the book Campus Ministry: Empowering Congregations, by Colleen Hallagan Preuninger, will provide all necessary tools to lead a Lay Servant Ministries course on the book's subject matter. These resources will work together to give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structure...

A Disciple's Journal Year A

Steven W. Manskar

A Disciple's Journal, carefully designed and deeply Wesleyan, provides a pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading for persons who want to grow in holiness of heart and life. It invites readers into a Wesleyan way of following Jesus Christ shaped by the General Rule of Discipleship: To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This edition begins with Advent 2019 and ca...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...

Transforming Evangelism

The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith  
F. Douglas Powe Jr., Henry H. Knight III, Henry H. Knight, ...
Because of the more aggressive and confrontational tactics we hear about, evangelism has developed a bad connotation. Doors are shut hurriedly, phone calls end abruptly, and e-mails left unanswered. After all, isn't this a task better handled by the pastor? Perhaps it's time to reexamine John Wesley's model of evangelism as a full, natural circle—where it's a communal beginning point rather than a solitary end. The central motive of authentic evangelism is: Having received a message that's ma...

Leading Public Prayer

Leader Guide  
Debra R. Tyree
This leader guide was written as a companion to the book Shaping the Prayers of the People, by Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher (Eerdmans, 2014). This text offers a model of profound and accessible congregational prayer. At once inspirational and practical, it will empower and equip laypeople and clergy alike to offer heartfelt, informed, thoughtful, and appropriate prayers on behalf of the people of God. It leads persons to consider what public prayer is and offers practical guidelines for av...

Hacia una mentalidad misionera

Aquello que los líderes de la iglesia deben saber para alcanzar a sus comunidades—Enseñanzas de E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Douglas Ruffle escribe Hacia una mentalidad misionera utilizando los principios intemporales de E. Stanley Jones y los transfiere para su uso en la actualidad. Ruffle nos enseña a acercarnos al campo misionero como si fuéramos de un país diferente y aprendiéramos una nueva cultura, una nueva forma de comunicación y una nueva forma de conectar a las personas con las buenas nuevas del Evangelio de Jesucristo.

Hacia una mentalidad misionera

Aquello que los líderes de la iglesia deben saber para alcanzar a sus comunidades—Enseñanzas de E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Douglas Ruffle escribe Hacia una mentalidad misionera utilizando los principios intemporales de E. Stanley Jones y los transfiere para su uso en la actualidad. Ruffle nos enseña a acercarnos al campo misionero como si fuéramos de un país diferente y aprendiéramos una nueva cultura, una nueva forma de comunicación y una nueva forma de conectar a las personas con las buenas nuevas del Evangelio de Jesucristo.