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Showing 51 - 60 of 261 results

Leading Missional Small Groups

Leader's Guide  
Jodi Cataldo, M. Scott Hughes
This course teaches the Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. It is based on the conviction that just as holiness of heart leads to holiness of life, it is communities of holy love that participate in God’s mission to the world. This is the Leader's Guide for the book Transforming Community.

Boomer Spirituality

Seven Values for the Second Half of Life  
Craig Kennet Miller
As the boomer generation navigates dramatic change as it ages, it will be informed by a unique spirituality that was forged in the tumultuous years of the 1960s and 1970s. If you are a boomer, you are sure to be reminded of the events and experiences that had an impact on you when you were young. If you are the child of a boomer, this book will help you understand why your parents act the way they do. If you are creating ministry for this generation, this will be your guide to the way boomers...

Everything Belongs To God

Christian Stewardship  
Sophirinia Sign
This book invites you to study some of the kingdom principles involved in Christian stewardship—conversion, commitment, involvement, motivation, potential, faithfulness, and sacrifice. Test these principles in your life. Make them part of your world. You will reap the benefits of good stewardship.

Job Descriptions and Leadership Training 2017-2020

In the United Methodist Church  
Discipleship Resources
The new version of Job Descriptions differs from previous editions, including format and design changes. Each job description includes this information: Result Expected Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications Helpful for This Position Responsibilities Support to Expect from the Congregation Getting Started People and Agencies That Can Help Resources for Help In addition to individual positions within congregational life, the book explores biblical roots and dimensions of leader development. It...

Everything Belongs To God

Christian Stewardship  
Sophirinia Sign
This book invites you to study some of the kingdom principles involved in Christian stewardship—conversion, commitment, involvement, motivation, potential, faithfulness, and sacrifice. Test these principles in your life. Make them part of your world. You will reap the benefits of good stewardship.

Job Descriptions and Leadership Training 2017-2020

In the United Methodist Church  
Discipleship Resources
The new version of Job Descriptions differs from previous editions, including format and design changes. Each job description includes this information: Result Expected Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications Helpful for This Position Responsibilities Support to Expect from the Congregation Getting Started People and Agencies That Can Help Resources for Help In addition to individual positions within congregational life, the book explores biblical roots and dimensions of leader development. It...

Boomer Spirituality

Seven Values for the Second Half of Life  
Craig Kennet Miller
As the boomer generation navigates dramatic change as it ages, it will be informed by a unique spirituality that was forged in the tumultuous years of the 1960s and 1970s. If you are a boomer, you are sure to be reminded of the events and experiences that had an impact on you when you were young. If you are the child of a boomer, this book will help you understand why your parents act the way they do. If you are creating ministry for this generation, this will be your guide to the way boomers...

Growing Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship With Children  
Susan Groseclose, Gayle Quay, Melanie C. Gordon
Growing Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Children is a formational resource by Melanie C. Gordon, Susan Groseclose, and Gayle Quay that equips adults who serve in ministry with children ages 8-11 to guide children towards a mature faith through everyday acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Covenant Discipleship helps connect children with Jesus Christ and one another through ongoing mutual accountability and support for living...

Disciples Making Disciples

A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders  
Steven W. Manskar
Disciples Making Disciples: Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders by Steven W. Manskar is for pastors, Covenant Discipleship group members, and class leaders. It provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting, support groups so they help the congregation live out its mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. The book also describes the office of class leaders and how to introduce this powerful disci...

Disciples Making Disciples

A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders  
Steven W. Manskar
Disciples Making Disciples: Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders by Steven W. Manskar is for pastors, Covenant Discipleship group members, and class leaders. It provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting, support groups so they help the congregation live out its mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. The book also describes the office of class leaders and how to introduce this powerful disci...