Lay Servant Ministries



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Showing 31 - 40 of 71 results

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

A Study of Personal Prayer  
Margie Burger
Prayer is a relationship with God that grows and matures over time. "We can be mature in one area of our Christian walk and still be a beginner in other areas," Burger writes. "That is not an indictment but an acknowledgment of the different ways we grow. If we are still a beginner in our prayer life, God simply desires us to take the next step… We are not striving in our own strength. God desires and provides for an intimate prayer life for all believers." Burger's study combines scriptural ...

Lay Pastoral Care Giving

Tim M. Farabaugh
A distinguished historian, academic and occasional evangelist I know was hushed by his stunned wife after he said to a friend he was visiting in the hospital, "I hope you don't die." A sentiment delivered sincerely but oh-so-awkwardly. Expressing care to someone in need—whether within the community of faith or beyond—may seem the most natural thing in the world. For some, it is; for others, it's less so. All can improve. Learn to reach out with God's love and care for others as outlined in th...

Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century

An Inquiry Approach  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
The church is in the hands of its elders. While the popular perception is that the aged are needy and infirm, Gentzler affirms that the majority of older adults have plenty to give. The church needs to tap into their wisdom, energy, experience, and talents. Gentzler stresses that older adult ministries need to be by and with elders as well as for them, since participants will represent all stages of retirement and activity levels. In addition to the practical issues of programming, Gentzler t...

From Your Heart to Theirs, Participant's Guide

Delivering an Effective Sermon  
Tony Franks, David Carroll
"Let me tell you a story." Since childhood, those introductory words capture our attention like few others. Sharing our faith story can be just as captivating and influential. Yet even the most experienced public speaker may need help preparing a sermon that's both engaging and compelling. Franks and Carroll will help you develop such a sermon. The parts of this helpful experiential guide for novice and already certified lay speakers include types of sermons, from exegetical to topical to t...

From Your Heart to Theirs, Instructor's Guide

Delivering an Effective Sermon  
Tony Franks, David Carroll
The instructor's guide for From Your Heart to Theirs breaks down the important ideas to relate as you plan your study, the preparatory tasks, logistical steps, and the session goals in short, practical outlines. The objective of this guide is to help you lead a 10-hour advanced course for certified lay speakers who want to hone their preaching skills. During the training, you'll lay the groundwork to help each speaker present a short sermon, and you'll be equipped to coach them to do their be...

Afire with God

Becoming Spirited Stewards  
Betsy Schwarzentraub
Stewardship is a dirty word in most churches. Pastors preach about it knowing they must while members sit uncomfortably through the "it's-that-time-again" sermons and other appeals. Afire with God urges ministries and congregations to become stewards-in-action of all God has entrusted to us. Members go beyond thinking in terms of dollars contributed to see stewardship as becoming living examples of the gospel. "Real stewardship is radical, which means going to the roots of our faith," writes ...

Opening Ourselves to Grace

Basic Christian Practices, DVD & CD-ROM  
Mark V. Purushotham
A 4-Session Small-Group Study on the Means of Grace in the Wesleyan Tradition Help your congregation understand the transforming power of grace. Opening Ourselves to Grace explores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan perspective. Containing both a DVD and a CD-ROM with video content and written resources, this product includes A 4-chapter video presentation on Wesley's understanding of spiritual practice A 6-week Bible study based on the video

Opening Ourselves to Grace

Basic Christian Practices - A Leader's Guide  
Derrek Belase
This leader's guide explores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan perspective by examining John Wesley's understanding of spiritual practice, Bible study, and other helpful resources. This guide is designed as a companion resource to the Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices DVD/CD-ROM, which is available for separate purchase through Upper Room Books: Together, these two resources expand t...

Leading in Prayer

Leader's Guide for Let the Whole Church Say Amen!  
Mary O. Benedict
While a mystery, prayer can and should be taught. It is our primary means of communicating with God, yet most Christians join the church and only learn how to pray by listening to others. And if ever called on to pray in public, it becomes a real test of faith for most people. After all, isn't this better left in the hands of the "professionals"?! Benedict's deep passion for teaching Christians how to pray grows from her awareness of prayer as an intimate connection with God. This short cours...

Transforming Evangelism

The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith  
F. Douglas Powe Jr., Henry H. Knight III, Henry H. Knight, ...
Because of the more aggressive and confrontational tactics we hear about, evangelism has developed a bad connotation. Doors are shut hurriedly, phone calls end abruptly, and e-mails left unanswered. After all, isn't this a task better handled by the pastor? Perhaps it's time to reexamine John Wesley's model of evangelism as a full, natural circle—where it's a communal beginning point rather than a solitary end. The central motive of authentic evangelism is: Having received a message that's ma...