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What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself  
Angela D. Schaffner

Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself presents a unique look at a familiar cast of biblical characters through the eyes of a psychologist. While weaving in her personal story of healing, Schaffner uses her professional background to expertly highlight themes of seeking simplicity, finding purpose, and navigating painful and emotional experiences. Comprised of compelling, relatable stories, Revealed makes the Bible come alive to readers in a personal and meaningful way. Through...

Blessed Endurance

Moving Beyond Despair to Hope  
John R Wimmer, Elise Erikson Barrett

Where is God when we are hurting or in despair? How can we find hope even when we feel hopeless? Pain, struggle, and despair are part of life, and they test our character as God's people. John Wimmer approaches these challenges to our faith realistically and thoughtfully. He does not offer easy answers or platitudes like "Everything happens for a reason." We can't always understand or control many things that happen to us, but we can choose how we respond to our circumstances. Wimmer encourag...

For Sabbath's Sake

Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community  
J. Dana Trent

Discover a spiritual practice that helps you maintain spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health. "We toiled on computers seven days per week, rising as early as 4:00 a.m. to squeeze in spiritual quiet time before we both retreated to our respective laptops, typing the days (and weekends) away. Though I grew up keeping Sundays sacred, six years into our marriage, we'd fallen into the trap of using the Lord's Day to catch up. … At its worst, our church attendance was less than 50 perce...

Spoken into Being

Divine Encounters Through Story  
Michael E. Williams

"Tell me a story." Countless parents and grandparents have heard that request from children. People of all ages are captivated by a good story. Storytelling helps us makes sense of the events of our lives, the world around us, and God. When we tell stories, we speak a world into being—just as God did in the creation accounts in the book of Genesis. "Everyone is a storyteller," says author Michael Williams. You don't have to be a professional storyteller to be able to tell good stories. In thi...

When You Come Unglued... Stick Close to God

Patricia Wilson, Devon O'Day

Even when your life and faith seem broken, God loves you and wants you to enjoy a life abundant in blessings, freedom, and opportunity. Motivational speaker, spiritual guide, and mentor to women, Patricia Wilson offers a wise and lighthearted take on the serious business of maturing in faith. Her deliciously candid descriptions of contemporary life reveal the ways we lose touch with God. Then she shows us how to reconnect and stick close. "Sticking close to God is not as easy as I thought it ...

How to Pray

Tom Albin, E. Stanley Jones, Dan Eichen

"Prayer is not an occasional exercise to which you turn now and then; it is a life attitude. It is the will to cooperate with God in your total life." —E. Stanley Jones This reissue of a popular booklet and primer on prayer by renowned evangelist E. Stanley Jones brings his excellent—and practical—advice to a new generation. Topics include the steps of prayer, the time and place for prayer, how prayer brings us into a deeper relationship with God, and more. New to this edition, Tom Albin exp...

Beads of Healing

Prayer, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness  
Kristen E. Vincent

Healing from trauma begins with the courageous act of telling your story. Yet many survivors of trauma are afraid to tell anyone about their deeply painful and personal experience(s). Trauma survivors often feel shame, guilt, fear, and anger. They may also carry deep spiritual wounds, such as feeling abandoned or punished by God. They may wonder how they can ever trust God. In Beads of Healing, Kristen Vincent shares her story of childhood trauma and how she eventually found God's peace, heal...

Woman Overboard

How Passion Saved My Life  
Jo Kadlecek

Do you long for more passion in your life? How do you define passion? Many people associate passion with intense romance, adventure, creativity, vocation, or calling. If you ask a pastor or priest to define passion, he or she would likely link the word to the passion of Christ, to the events of Holy Week. The definition of passion has evolved over the years. Originally the word came from the Latin passio, which means "to suffer." Woman Overboard invites you to join an adventure of discovering...

Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me

Celtic Blessings  
Beth A. Richardson

Many Christians long to sense God's presence in their everyday lives but don't know how. Inspired by the ancient form of prayer practiced by the Celtic people, Beth Richardson offers a multitude of short prayers—blessings—that embrace every aspect of daily life. A sense of joy about ordinary moments of the day pervades this book. Many of the blessings came to Richardson during one of her daily activities—walking her dogs. As she welcomed the day, she thought about celebrations, challenges, an...

A Missionary Mindset

What Church Leaders Need to Know to Reach Their Community--Lessons from E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle

Doug Ruffle writes A Missionary Mindset using the timeless principles of E. Stanley Jones and transfers them for use today. Teaching us to approach the mission field as if we were from a different country and learning a new culture, a new way of communicating, and a new way to connect people to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.