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Showing 371 - 379 of 379 results

Cada celebración: Cuaresma y temporada de Resurrección

PDF Download Este recurso cumple una variedad de propósitos al ofrecer ayuda en la planificación de la adoración, sugerencias para ayudas visuales, ideas para la liturgia, e información concisa sobre celebraciones litúrgicas relacionadas con la Cuaresma y Temporada de Resurrección. Disponible sólo para ser bajado como un documento PDF. Notas: Se concede permiso para fotocopiar con la compra de este recurso. ¡Lo sentimos! Este recurso no tiene descuento de promoción o por la compra de múlti...

Cada celebración: Tiempo ordinario

Emilio E. Müller
Este recurso cumple una variedad de propósitos al ofrecer ayuda en la planificación de la adoración, sugerencias para ayudas visuales, ideas para la liturgia, e información concisa sobre celebraciones litúrgicas relacionadas con la temporada del Tiempo Ordinario. ¡Lo sentimos! Este recurso no tiene descuento de promoción or por la compra de múltiples copias. No se aceptan devoluciones o reembolsos de dinero.

In Ministry with Boomers and Beyond

Leader's Guide for Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century  
Discipleship Resources
This is the Leader's Guide to the text Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century. Session topics include: The Realities of Aging Finding Meaning Caring unto Death Ministry by, with, and for Older Adults Boomer Ministry Available ONLY as a PDF download. To purchase the Participant's Guide, go here. Sorry, this item is not eligible for special promotional and bulk discounts. This is a nonreturnable, nonrefundable product.

Leading in Lay Pastoral Care

A Leader's Guide to Lay Pastoral Care Giving  
Brian Jackson
This Leader's Guide will assist a course facilitator to conduct the course on Lay Pastoral Care Giving. The text for this course is Lay Pastoral Care Giving by Timothy M. Farabaugh. The purpose of this course is to equip laypersons for the task of providing care for persons in the congregation who are experiencing life-changing events. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of lay pastoral care, which includes discussion and demonstration of appropriate interactions and responses in...

Concepts in Leadership I

Refresher Course for Local Church Leaders  
Discipleship Resources
This short course (available only as a download) is designed to prepare church leaders to focus on their role as spiritual leaders and to function as role models or examples for others in the congregation. Although this course was designed as a refresher course for local church lay speakers, it may be used for leadership development in any setting. At the end of this course the participant will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of prayer in the life of a spiritual ...

Congregational Tool Box for Prison Ministry

Betsey Heavner
One in every 136 U. S. residents is imprisoned, according to 2005 statistics. "As Christians, we are challenged by the grace of God that offers good news to all sinners, and by Jesus' words to forgive, to judge not, and to restore right relationships with other people," writes Heavner in this timely resource. The Congregational Tool Box for Prison Ministry offers practical guidance in setting up a ministry that can nurture hope, healing, and transformation. The contributors give an overview o...

Connectional Living and Connectional Giving

Lay Servants Interpret Connectional Giving in The United Methodist Church—Leader's Guide  
Roger Curless, Ken Sloane
This PDF leader’s guide is a required resource for a Lay Servant Ministries (LSM) advanced course. It supplements the book Earn. Save. Give.: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money (Abingdon Press; 2015) by James A. Harnish, as well as the free resource The United Methodist Church Handbook (2017–20), Therefore Go: Making Disciples for the Transformation of the World (available from UM Communications). This LSM advanced course focuses on the following: an understanding of John Wesley’s admonitions—...

Ministry with the Forgotten

Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens Leader’s Guide  
David C. Teel, Kenneth L. Carder
This PDF is the Leader's Guide for Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens. This Leader's Guide provides five two-hour sessions of teaching plans to help lay servant ministers understand dementia from a spiritual standpoint and become more comfortable ministering with people affected by this condition. The advanced Lay Servant Ministries course based on the book Ministry with the Forgotten will equip lay servant ministers to lead their congregations in ministry with peo...

Teaching Biblical Faith

Leading Small Group Bible Studies Leader’s Guide  
Jack L. Seymour
This Leader's Guide is designed to be used as an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministry. Based on the book Teaching Biblical Faith, the Leader's Guide contains five two-hour sessions to provide church leaders with the tools for biblical study. In this course, participants will explore why scripture study is important, practice historical study of three scripture texts, experience praying the scriptures, and practice teaching with small groups of supportive colleagues.