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Showing 121 - 130 of 131 results

The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide provides everything you need to lead small groups through this 9-week study of the Beatitudes, including a preparatory meeting. The Leader's Guide contains detailed weekly session plans and a list of Weekly Needs at a Glance to make preparation for each meeting simple and quick. Each Leader's Guide in the Companions in Christ series assumes leaders are new to the formati...

The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide is also available. The Way of Blessedness invites readers to cultivate the dispositions of the soul as outlined in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which suit us for the reign of God while drawing us into its realm. Jesus portrays the reign of God in terms that are contrary to social hierarchy — in his time as well as our own. It is a realm of outlandish generosity and uncommon compassion. This is a 9-week study of the spiritual practices that help us turn a...

The Way of Forgiveness Participant's Book

Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide is also available. It takes a lot of willingness and practice to see life from God's perspective. Perhaps nothing goes more against the grain of human nature than forgiving those who wound us and accepting forgiveness from others. But practicing forgiveness will transform your life and help you grow in the heart and mind of Christ. In The Way of Forgiveness, an 8-week small-group study, MarjorieThompson examines shame, guilt, and anger, helping you releas...

The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Forgiveness Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide provides everything you need to lead small groups through this 8-week study. This guide includes step-by-step instructions for each of the weekly sessions. It also includes information to help you develop the distinct skills needed when leading spiritual formation groups. A Weekly Needs at a Glance list helps streamline your preparation. Session topics include: Living ...

The Workbook on Keeping Company with the Saints

Maxie Dunnam
From the rich well of Christian spiritual writing, best-selling author Maxie Dunnam guides readers through the lives and teachings of Willam Law, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, and Teresa of Avila. Readers will discover how Dunnam's study of these faith pioneers influenced his life at pivotal points and how their teachings can transform Christians today. While many books explore the lives and words of these classic spiritual writers, none combines the features of this helpful, easy-to-r...

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People

Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A compilation of scripture, prayers and spiritual readings, this inexhaustible resource contains thematically arranged material for each week of the year and for monthly personal retreats. Its contents have made it a sought-after desk reference, a valuable library resource, and a cherished companion. Includes excerpts from such writers as Thomas Merton, Evelyn Underhill, Albert Schweitzer, Eugene Peterson, Esther de Waal, Thérèse of Lisieux, and many others.

The Workbook of Living Prayer

Maxie Dunnam
One of the best-selling group resources ever published by The Upper Room, this dynamic and thought-provoking workbook will enrich your prayer life. "My prayer is that all who use this revised edition will not only learn something new about prayer, but more than anything else, will be inspired to pray," writes Dunnam. "Prayer is one of the ways we link ourselves with God, we put ourselves in the channel of God's moving power, and we participate with God in ministry to all persons…I am convince...

The Workbook on the Seven Deadly Sins

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
We're uncomfortable talking about it. We may try to ignore it or focus our attention on euphemisms: challenges, weaknesses to overcome, struggles, etc. We convince ourselves that the evil in the world is caused by sick people who are nothing like us. "Sin is real," write the authors of this best-selling workbook. "It's a part of each of us—even those in the church…All social ills are an extension of that which seethes and rages and contorts in the hearts of individuals." The Workbook on the S...

The Workbook on Virtues and the Fruit of the Spirit

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Some people say that virtue is out of fashion, but in their latest workbook, Maxie Dunnam and Kimberly Dunnam Reisman assert that it has never been more important. The authors explore the 7 cardinal virtues—wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, faith, hope, love, and the fruit of the spirit. They believe that our moral lives should reflect that we belong to God, and they are concerned that our present culture minimizes the importance of holy living for the Christian. Designed for either indiv...

A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A best seller for nearly 3 decades! This classic devotional and prayer book is a compilation of scriptures, prayers, readings from well-known spiritual writers, and hymn texts. Each week centers on a different theme and follows this format: invocation, psalm, daily scripture readings, readings for reflection, prayers (for the church, myself, others), reflection time, and a hymn. The back of the book contains models for 12 personal one-day retreats. Featured writers include William Barclay...