Blessed Endurance
Moving Beyond Despair to Hope
Healing & Wholeness
Where is God when we are hurting or in despair? How can we find hope even when we feel hopeless?
Pain, struggle, and despair are part of life, and they test our character as God's people. John Wimmer approaches these challenges to our faith realistically and thoughtfully. He does not offer easy answers or platitudes like "Everything happens for a reason."
We can't always understand or control many things that happen to us, but we can choose how we respond to our circumstances. Wimmer encourages us to view times of difficulty as opportunities for spiritual and personal growth. Rather than diminishing our faith, pain and despair can lead us to greater trust in God. To endure through such times is a blessing.
This inspiring book offers practical help for moving from pain and despair to hope. Wimmer reminds us that with hope we also have faith—not the false belief that our lives will be pain-free but the assurance that God will be with us through our most challenging times and lead us to deeper levels of spiritual growth and wisdom.
Click here for an interview with John Wimmer.
John R. Wimmer is a United Methodist minister who served as a local church pastor for 18 years and founded the Center for Congregations, now a network whose model of working with churches has been adopted by many organizations nationwide. Since 2002 he has been program director at Lilly Endowment, where he has sought to enhance pastoral leadership and congregational vitality through more than $700 million in grants to denominations, seminaries, and a wide variety of other church agencies.
When I read a book subtitled Moving Beyond Despair to Hope, I want to know that the words between the covers are not mere words, but words “become flesh,” words that reflect the author’s lived experience. I’ve known John Wimmer for twenty years, and I can testify that he has lived every word in this moving, important, and well-crafted book about suffering, endurance, and faith. “The peace that passes all understanding” is not an empty promise. Those who read this book will find pathways to that peace, walked and mapped with care for us by a man who knows the way.
—Parker J. Palmer
Author of Let Your Life Speak, The Courage to Teach, and Healing the Heart of Democracy
Stewarding our pain is a countercultural concept for many. But John Wimmer teaches us how in this read-in-a-day, live-for-a-lifetime book with gospel power and resurrection hope. Blessed Endurance challenges readers to redeem the despair found in life’s inevitable valleys by embracing God’s gifts of disciplined hope and joy.
—Harold Smith
President and CEO, Christianity Today
Writing with the maturity that only comes from personal experience with suffering, Wimmer does something better than play with the problem of pain; he offers a creative response for living with it.
—Peter W. Marty
Publisher, The Christian Century