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Orar con mandalas

Un ejercicio contemplativo y lleno de color  
Sharon Seyfarth Garner

¿Alguna vez ha pensado en colorear como una forma de orar? Tome sus lápices de colores o crayones y descubra una manera creativa de calmarse y enfocarse en Dios. Sharon Seyfarth Garner invita a los adultos y jóvenes a colorear mandalas como una forma sencilla, placentera y tangible de «estar con Dios de manera intencional». Orar con mandalas combina la práctica relajante y contemplativa de colorear con estas prácticas espirituales antiguas: • Lectio divina (lectura meditativa de las Escrituras) • Oración de intercesión • Oración de consagración • Examen (revisión de los eventos del día para reconocer dónde estuvo presente Dios)

Looking Inward, Living Outward

The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation  
Daniel Wolpert

Discover how spiritual practices can inspire social change. From the author of Creating a Life with God and Leading a Life with God comes a new book exploring how a life of prayer is inextricably connected with social transformation. Drawing from Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual director and pastor Daniel Wolpert describes 12 spiritual practices for individuals and communities that lead to justice and healing on earth as it is in heaven.

Looking Inward, Living Outward

The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation  
Daniel Wolpert

Discover how spiritual practices can inspire social change. From the author of Creating a Life with God and Leading a Life with God comes a new book exploring how a life of prayer is inextricably connected with social transformation. Drawing from Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual director and pastor Daniel Wolpert describes 12 spiritual practices for individuals and communities that lead to justice and healing on earth as it is in heaven.

Speak, My Soul

Listening to the Divine with Holy Purpose  
Marsha Crockett

Our soul speaks … but can we hear it? In our noisy and overcrowded lives, it's often difficult to find the space to listen deeply to our own inner voice, let alone the voice of God. In Speak, My Soul, spiritual guide Marsha Crockett leads you through seven pathways for slowing down and discerning God's promptings in your daily life. Using the psalms as a spiritual roadmap, the journey will include seven weeks of daily meditations, prayers, practices, and prompts to help you enter and explore the quiet landscape of the soul, speaking to you even now.

Speak, My Soul

Listening to the Divine with Holy Purpose  
Marsha Crockett

Our soul speaks … but can we hear it? In our noisy and overcrowded lives, it's often difficult to find the space to listen deeply to our own inner voice, let alone the voice of God. In Speak, My Soul, spiritual guide Marsha Crockett leads you through seven pathways for slowing down and discerning God's promptings in your daily life. Using the psalms as a spiritual roadmap, the journey will include seven weeks of daily meditations, prayers, practices, and prompts to help you enter and explore the quiet landscape of the soul, speaking to you even now.

Creating a Life with God, Revised Edition

The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices  
Daniel Wolpert

Over the past four decades, author Daniel Wolpert has answered the question "What do you do for a living?" with "I am a student of the spiritual life." In the original foreword to Creating a Life with God, Wolpert was called a “Pray-er” — someone who knew how his life was altered and transformed by prayer and someone who accepted the invitation to join Jesus in prayer to tend the longing in his heart. Both statements are still true today.

Creating a Life with God, Revised Edition

The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices  
Daniel Wolpert

Over the past four decades, author Daniel Wolpert has answered the question "What do you do for a living?" with "I am a student of the spiritual life." In the original foreword to Creating a Life with God, Wolpert was called a “Pray-er” — someone who knew how his life was altered and transformed by prayer and someone who accepted the invitation to join Jesus in prayer to tend the longing in his heart. Both statements are still true today.

The Upper Room Jan / Feb 2025

The Upper Room is a daily devotional magazine published in more than 35 languages and 100 countries around the world. The daily meditations are written by readers of the magazine and others interested in sharing their faith experiences through writing. Every day, readers of The Upper Room around the world read the same story in many different languages and pray the same prayer together.