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Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results

The Power of a Focused Heart

8 Life Lessons from the Beatitudes  
Mary Lou Redding
Looking to simplify your life? quiet your mind? find your unique spiritual gift(s) and make a difference? Turn to the Beatitudes! Sometimes teachings from well-known biblical passages are so obvious and preached so often that we overlook other helpful, not-so-obvious lessons. The Beatitudes are celebrated as being the template for humble Christian living. Dig deeper and you'll also find practical applications for living a simpler yet more spiritually engaged life, especially in this distracti...

Yours Are the Hands of Christ

The Practice of Faith  
James C. Howell
Take spirituality into the real world. Jesus didn't "become flesh" so we could feel different. He came to this world so we will be different. Often our spirituality seems invisible and mute to a hurting world. Many of us simply internalize faith out of fear, feelings of inadequacy, or choice. A faithful response to discipleship's call, however, is both inward and outward. Through Howell's study, you'll find ways to apply faith to your daily life and make evident your commitment to Christ. By ...

Loving the World with God

Fourth Day Living  
Rebecca Bruff
Have you ever had a mountaintop spiritual experience and then had trouble returning to the reality of your daily life? This book is for those who have gone on a Walk to Emmaus weekend or another intense spiritual experience such as a retreat, mission trip, or sabbatical. After such a time of spiritual growth, you need practical, hands-on ways to continue your daily walk with Jesus Christ and love the world with God. Rebecca Bruff offers guidance and inspiration for living the rest of your lif...

Loving the World with God

Fourth Day Living  
Rebecca Bruff
Have you ever had a mountaintop spiritual experience and then had trouble returning to the reality of your daily life? This book is for those who have gone on a Walk to Emmaus weekend or another intense spiritual experience such as a retreat, mission trip, or sabbatical. After such a time of spiritual growth, you need practical, hands-on ways to continue your daily walk with Jesus Christ and love the world with God. Rebecca Bruff offers guidance and inspiration for living the rest of your lif...

Being the Presence of Christ

A Vision for Transformation  
Daniel Vestal
"This book is food for all who are hungry for an inner transformation in their lives. Tapping into ancient spiritual practices, Daniel Vestal connects biblically based mysticism with evangelism and social justice." —Tony Campolo Professor Emeritus, Eastern University Author of more than 35 books and one of the founders of the Red Letter Christian movement Do you long to make a difference in the world? Learn how to be Christ's presence. As Christians, we can continually embody Jesus Christ...

Being the Presence of Christ

A Vision for Transformation  
Daniel Vestal
"This book is food for all who are hungry for an inner transformation in their lives. Tapping into ancient spiritual practices, Daniel Vestal connects biblically based mysticism with evangelism and social justice." —Tony Campolo Professor Emeritus, Eastern University Author of more than 35 books and one of the founders of the Red Letter Christian movement Do you long to make a difference in the world? Learn how to be Christ's presence. As Christians, we can continually embody Jesus Christ...

The Way of Transforming Discipleship Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Transforming Discipleship Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. Everything you need to guide a small group in a 6-week exploration of authentic Christian spirituality is contained in this Leader's Guide. Find the very practical help you need: Ideas for a session to introduce the resource to participants A list of Weekly Needs at a Glance Detailed instructions for leading five weekly meetings Meaningful Deeper Explorations of the spiritual life Plans for ...

Tending the Seed

Nurture Your God-Given Potential  
Ann Siddall, Gary Stuckey
God gives generously to each of us and invites our cooperation. The best illustration for this is the parable of the sower. "Jesus said, 'A sower went out to sow his seed … Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold…' " As Christians, we're expected to be progressively transformed and more spiritually formed. To do so, Siddall and Stuckey assert that we need to find lifestyles and practices that help us through the slow, deep process of discerning and nurturing our ...

The Way of Transforming Discipleship Participant's Book

Trevor Hudson, Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Transforming Discipleship Leader's Guide is also available. Are you becoming the person God wants you to be? Discover a way to authentic Christian spirituality through this 6-week study. By shining the light of God's Word into the darkness of our lives, Hudson and Bryant will lead you to a pathway of discovery and growth. Explore the markers of the journey: Becoming a Christ-Follower Knowing Who We Are Changing from the Inside Listening to the Groans Experiencing the God Who He...

The Power of a Focused Heart

8 Life Lessons from the Beatitudes  
Mary Lou Redding
Looking to simplify your life? quiet your mind? find your unique spiritual gift(s) and make a difference? Turn to the Beatitudes! Sometimes teachings from well-known biblical passages are so obvious and preached so often that we overlook other helpful, not-so-obvious lessons. The Beatitudes are celebrated as being the template for humble Christian living. Dig deeper and you'll also find practical applications for living a simpler yet more spiritually engaged life, especially in this distracti...