Rev. Trevor Hudson has been part of the Methodist movement in Southern Africa for more than 40 years. Serving primarily around Johannesburg, South Africa, he is deeply committed to the work and ministry of the local congregation. In addition to preaching and teaching on a regular basis in South Africa, he is also involved with the Institute for Creative Conversation and the Jesuit Institute of South Africa. A significant part of his weekly work is giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Besides his local commitments, Trevor travels widely, preaching, teaching, and lecturing in the areas of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and pastoral therapy. In the USA he lectures at Fuller Seminary and Gardner-Webb University in their Doctor of Ministry programs, the Next Frontiers Program for Ministers, the Renovare International Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation, and the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation at Westmont College. Trevor is the author of over 20 books, including the Pauses series (Pauses for Advent, Pauses for Lent, and Pauses for Pentecost) with Upper Room Books. Trevor is married to Debbie, and they are the parents of two adult children, Joni and Mark.
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Showing 11 - 20 of 27 results

Pauses for Lent

40 Words for 40 Days  
Trevor Hudson
Sometimes a pause is good for the soul. It gives us the chance to regroup, reflect, and refocus on God. In Pauses for Lent, Trevor Hudson offers a beautifully minimalist book in which he focuses on one word for each day of Lent. You are invited to pause, focus on the word, read a scripture and a brief meditation related to the word, and then offer a prayer. Pausing in this way will help you carve out time for God and refresh your spirit even in the midst of a busy life. You may find yourself ...

Invitations of Jesus

Trevor Hudson
How do we respond to the invitations of Jesus? Trevor Hudson calls us to consider the invitations Jesus offers in five dimensions of life. In his gentle and intimate style, Trevor leads you to see where Christ is touching your life, calling you to deeper relationship with God, self, and neighbor. This six-week small group study includes a Leader's Guide for small-group facilitation. The sessions are structured to last one hour and open with a prayer followed by reading the Word, reflecting on...

Invitations of Jesus

Trevor Hudson
How do we respond to the invitations of Jesus? Trevor Hudson calls us to consider the invitations Jesus offers in five dimensions of life. In his gentle and intimate style, Trevor leads you to see where Christ is touching your life, calling you to deeper relationship with God, self, and neighbor. This six-week small group study includes a Leader's Guide for small-group facilitation. The sessions are structured to last one hour and open with a prayer followed by reading the Word, reflecting on...

Holy Spirit Here and Now

Trevor Hudson, Scot McKnight
Are you tired of shallow faith? Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? All you need to do is open yourself to the gift that God extends to you already. Trevor Hudson says, "The Holy Spirit is deeply at work within you, right at this moment, wherever you are." Hudson, a beloved pastor and speaker, shares his own struggles and joys in seeking to be more responsive to the Holy Spirit. He invites you to open yourself to this gift of God. In this book you will discover wh...

Holy Spirit Here and Now

Trevor Hudson, Scot McKnight
Are you tired of shallow faith? Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? All you need to do is open yourself to the gift that God extends to you already. Trevor Hudson says, "The Holy Spirit is deeply at work within you, right at this moment, wherever you are." Hudson, a beloved pastor and speaker, shares his own struggles and joys in seeking to be more responsive to the Holy Spirit. He invites you to open yourself to this gift of God. In this book you will discover wh...

The Cycle of Grace

Living in Sacred Balance  
Trevor Hudson, Jerry P. Haas
Are you soul-weary? Do you struggle to make time for God in the midst of a packed schedule? Or do you sometimes stay so busy doing things for God that you can't relax and just "be"? Jesus faced amazing pressure and overwhelming demands throughout his ministry, but he did not experience the burnout so common today among Christian ministers and laypersons. You can learn the rhythm of living that Jesus demonstrates — the Cycle of Grace — throughout the Gospels. Use this workbook and accompanying...

The Cycle of Grace

Living in Sacred Balance  
Trevor Hudson, Jerry P. Haas
Are you soul-weary? Do you struggle to make time for God in the midst of a packed schedule? Or do you sometimes stay so busy doing things for God that you can't relax and just "be"? Jesus faced amazing pressure and overwhelming demands throughout his ministry, but he did not experience the burnout so common today among Christian ministers and laypersons. You can learn the rhythm of living that Jesus demonstrates — the Cycle of Grace — throughout the Gospels. Use this workbook and accompanying...

Hope Beyond Your Tears

Experiencing Christ's Healing Love  
Trevor Hudson, Dallas Willard
In the face of grief and loss, have you ever wondered how you will ever move beyond your tears and emptiness? Is it possible to find purpose and meaning after you have suffered the death of a loved one? "The risen Christ meets us in our tears." With these gentle words Trevor Hudson invites you to enter the deeply moving Gospel story of the garden encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene on the first Easter morning. In the Foreword, Dallas Willard describes Trevor Hudson as "remar...

Hope Beyond Your Tears

Experiencing Christ's Healing Love  
Trevor Hudson, Dallas Willard
In the face of grief and loss, have you ever wondered how you will ever move beyond your tears and emptiness? Is it possible to find purpose and meaning after you have suffered the death of a loved one? "The risen Christ meets us in our tears." With these gentle words Trevor Hudson invites you to enter the deeply moving Gospel story of the garden encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene on the first Easter morning. In the Foreword, Dallas Willard describes Trevor Hudson as "remar...

The Serenity Prayer

A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life  
Trevor Hudson, Dallas Willard
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference." Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives. Did you know that the above words are just the beginning of a longer prayer? In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer...