Dallas Willard (1935-2013) was an American philosopher who was also well-known for his writings on Christian spiritual formation. He was a longtime professor of philosophy at The University of Southern California. In addition to teaching and writing about philosophy, Willard lectured and wrote books about Christianity and Christian living. Christianity Today named his book The Divine Conspiracy Book of the Year for 1999. Another of his books, Renovation of the Heart, won Christianity Today's 2003 Book Award for books on spirituality.
Experiencing Christ's Healing Love
In the face of grief and loss, have you ever wondered how you will ever move beyond your tears and emptiness? Is it possible to find purpose and meaning after you have suffered the death of a loved one?
"The risen Christ meets us in our tears." With these gentle words Trevor Hudson invites you to enter the deeply moving Gospel story of the garden encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene on the first Easter morning.
In the Foreword, Dallas Willard describes Trevor Hudson as "remar...
Experiencing Christ's Healing Love
In the face of grief and loss, have you ever wondered how you will ever move beyond your tears and emptiness? Is it possible to find purpose and meaning after you have suffered the death of a loved one?
"The risen Christ meets us in our tears." With these gentle words Trevor Hudson invites you to enter the deeply moving Gospel story of the garden encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene on the first Easter morning.
In the Foreword, Dallas Willard describes Trevor Hudson as "remar...
A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference."
Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives.
Did you know that the above words are just the beginning of a longer prayer?
In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer...
A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference."
Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives.
Did you know that the above words are just the beginning of a longer prayer?
In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer...