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Renovación del cuarto día manual del equipo

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

Renovación Del Cuarto Día es un modelo de retiro de un día diseñado para refrescar el espíritu y renovar el compromiso de aquellos que han asistido a cualquier evento del movimiento del Cuarto Día. Está previsto que se celebre anualmente en una rotación de tres años. Renovación del Cuarto Día se puede llevar a cabo de manera virtual o en persona. El Manual del Equipo Renovación Del Cuarto Día es el recurso básico para comenzar a planificar un retiro de Renovación Del Cuarto Día en su comunidad local del Cuarto Día. Cada persona miembro del equipo necesitará su propia copia de este manual.

Day Four Restore Year Two

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

Day Four Restore is a one-day retreat model designed to refresh the spirit and renew the commitment of those who have attended any Fourth Day movement event. It is intended to be held annually, in a three-year rotation. Day Four Restore can be hosted virtually or in person. The Day Four Restore Year Two bundle includes resources that are specific to year two. It contains the Year Two Talks Manual, the Schedule and Script, and The Cycle of Grace in a Fourth Day Lifestyle.

Renovación del cuarto día año uno

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

Renovación del Cuarto Día es un modelo de retiro de un día diseñado para refrescar el espíritu y renovar el compromiso de aquellos que han asistido a cualquier evento del movimiento del Cuarto Día. Está previsto que se celebre anualmente en una rotación de tres años. Renovación del Cuarto Día se puede llevar a cabo de manera virtual o en persona. El paquete Renovación Del Cuarto Día Año Uno incluye recursos que son específicos para el primer año. Contiene el Manual de Charlas del Año Uno, el Horario y el Guión, y Una Espiritualidad de Vivir en un Estilo de Vida del Cuarto Día.

The Village Encounter Leader's Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

The Village Encounter Leaders’ Manual is specially designed for the Event Leader (lay and clergy) and includes information to assist Leaders in supporting the roles of the entire Conference Room team. It includes the basic procedures for the event, timetables, guidelines for all team members, and reproducible resources. This item is non-discountable.

The Village Encounter Team Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

The Village Encounter Team Manual is a must for every team member. They will use it in team meetings and when preparing for the Village Encounter experience. It helps Conference Room team members develop an understanding of The Village Encounter and of what is expected of them during the event. This item is non-discountable.

The Village Encounter Position-Specific Resources

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

The Village Encounter Position-Specific Resources packet contains position description information for distribution to all Village Encounter team members. It also includes the 15 talk outlines for both lay and clergy. This document is meant to be printed. Relevant sections are to be distributed to those who need the material. This item is non-discountable.

Day Four Restore Year One

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis

Day Four Restore is a one-day retreat model designed to refresh the spirit and renew the commitment of those who have attended any Fourth Day movement event. It is intended to be held annually, in a three-year rotation. Day Four Restore can be hosted virtually or in person. The Day Four Restore Year One bundle includes resources that are specific to year one. It contains the Year One Talks Manual, the Schedule and Script, and A Spirituality of Living into a Fourth Day Lifestyle.

Chrysalis Leaders' Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
New with updated content, the Chrysalis Leaders' Manual is designed to be used by the Lay Leader, Peer Leader, and Spiritual Leader for the Chrysalis weekend. It contains information on the structure, selection, formation, and development of the fruit of the Spirit in members of the Chrysalis team. This manual gives an overview of the responsibilities of each member of the Conference Room Team and Background Team. It also includes an agenda and supply list for team meetings, a plan for six te...

Chrysalis Team Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
New with updates to team structure, the Chrysalis Team Manual supports all team members for a Chrysalis weekend. Each member of the Conference Room Team and Background Team needs a copy of this manual. The updated team structure emphasizes servant leadership and youth and adults serving side-by-side. This manual will prove especially helpful during the weeks of team formation leading up to a Chrysalis weekend; it includes information about how to prepare for and lead the weekend. The Chrysali...