Lay Servant Ministries



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Showing 1 - 10 of 71 results

Loving People and Planet in God's Name

Engaging the Local Church in the Study and Practice of Climate Justice  
Bob Downs, Crys Zinkiewicz

This PDF is the Leader's Guide for Loving People and Planet in God's Name. This Leader's Guide includes lesson plans for five two-hour sessions to help lay servant ministers learn more about climate justice, how to talk about climate justice using a biblical and theological framework, and how to work with their communities to do meaningful ministry around creation care. This advanced Lay Servant Ministries course is based on the book Climate Justice: A Call to Hope and Action.

For the Common Good

Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts Leader’s Guide  
Christine Harman
This PDF Leader's Guide is designed to be used with the participant's book, For the Common Good. It includes discussion guides and activities to help individuals discover their spiritual gifts, identify their abilities and skills, and find ways to use them for God’s glory. It also offers a model for implementing a system based on spiritual gifts to identify and call forth leaders in the congregation. The Leader's Guide offers plans for four 2½-hour sessions to fulfill the 10-hour requirement ...

For the Common Good

Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts  
Christine Harman
For the Common Good reminds us that the Holy Spirit gives each Christian one or more spiritual gifts to be used for the common good. It guides readers to discover their own particular gifts and learn to use their gifts to serve others. Examining key passages in Paul's writings, author Christine Harman leads readers through a personal spiritual gift assessment. She names 20 distinct spiritual gifts—including discernment, compassion, and evangelism—and helps people explore scripture reference...

Leading Public Prayer

Leader Guide  
Debra R. Tyree
This leader guide was written as a companion to the book Shaping the Prayers of the People, by Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher (Eerdmans, 2014). This text offers a model of profound and accessible congregational prayer. At once inspirational and practical, it will empower and equip laypeople and clergy alike to offer heartfelt, informed, thoughtful, and appropriate prayers on behalf of the people of God. It leads persons to consider what public prayer is and offers practical guidelines for av...

God's Mission, Our Journey

Leader's Guide  
Jodi Cataldo

This course will provide participants with a better understanding of a holistic approach to participation in God's mission to the world and equip lay servants for more effective missional engagement in their own communities and beyond. This is the Leader's Guide. The Participant's Book, A Mission Journey, can be found here.

Embracing Personal Prayer

A Leader's Guide  
Pat Hogan
At the end of this course, you will be able to establish a daily practice for communicating with God and listening for God's answers. You will find ways to come to the Lord in prayer (singing, fasting, praying the Scriptures, praying for others, and using intercessory prayer). You will explore the many names of Jesus and God you can use for adoration in your prayer. You will identify your need to overcome the barriers you may now be experiencing in your prayer life. Finally, you will be provi...

Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders

Participant's Book  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Building on the congregational strategic planning resource, "Does Your Church Have a Prayer?" this Participant’s Book will guide Lay Servants seeking to be more empowered to lead their congregations toward vitality. Written with two distinct purposes, Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders will first define the three disciplines of Christian transformational leadership and the four qualities of Christian transformational leaders. The accompanying Leader's Guide is in PDF form and...

Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders

Leader's Guide  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
This Leader's Guide is the accompanying piece to DR 881 Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders – Participant's Book. It is a PDF that can be downloaded and used to support the course outlined below. Building on the previous Lay Servant course "Does Your Church Have a Prayer?", this Participant's Book will guide Lay Servants seeking to be more empowered to lead their congregations toward vitality. Written with two distinct purposes, Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leade...

Called To Preach Study Guide

Dawn Chesser
The Leader's Guide for the course following From Pew to Pulpit. (Downloadable PDF only) This title has replaced DR387 You Can Preach! Click here for the Participant's Book.

Leading Missional Small Groups

Leader's Guide  
Jodi Cataldo, M. Scott Hughes
This course teaches the Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. It is based on the conviction that just as holiness of heart leads to holiness of life, it is communities of holy love that participate in God’s mission to the world. This is the Leader's Guide for the book Transforming Community.