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Showing 31 - 40 of 47 results

Room at My Table

Preparing Heart and Home for Christian Hospitality  
Evelyn Bence
In this delightful collection of 52 devotions, Evelyn Bence reflects on gatherings at her table that have brought together friends, family, and neighbors. The anecdotal meditations ease the door ajar, gently inviting you to welcome others to your table. You see her planning a gathering, choosing recipes, thinking about how to make guests feel at ease. For seasoned hosts, Bence provides encouragement and camaraderie. For novices, she offers gentle instruction laced with humor, realistic expec...

Rhythms of Growth

365 Meditations to Nurture the Soul  
Linda Douty
In Rhythms of Growth, Linda Douty uses the seasons of the year to illustrate natural trends in our spiritual lives. For winter, she writes about themes of rootedness, fallow times, reflection; for spring—awakening, planting, new growth, storms; for summer—bearing fruit, abundance, blossoming, weeding, and pests; for fall—letting go, sifting, harvesting. Douty's conversational style and ability to bring together the everyday and the holy make this book appealing for anyone who wants a devotion...

Light of Lights

Advent Devotions from The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide  
This Advent book invites readers to commit to the practice of daily prayer. The collection of meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional guide is arranged to coordinate with the themes of the four candles on an Advent wreath: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Meditations are included for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sunday after Christmas. A complete Leader's Guide for small groups and instructions for making an Advent wreath are included.

A Guide to Prayer for All Who Walk with God (Paperback Edition)

Rueben P. Job, John S. Mogabgab, Norman Shawchuck
This book, the fourth in The Upper Room's bestselling "Guide to Prayer" series, offers a simple pattern of daily prayer built around weekly themes and organized by the Christian church year. Each week follows this pattern: Affirmation Psalm Psalm Prayer Daily Scripture Readings Silence Daily Reading Reflection (Silent or Written) Prayers Offering of Self to God Blessing The daily readings are drawn from the history of Christian spirituality and feature such writers as Francis of...

Becoming Who God Wants You to Be

60 Meditations for Personal Spiritual Direction  
W. Paul Jones
For those who do not have a spiritual director—or are curious about the concept—W. Paul Jones has crafted a series of topical meditations that facilitate self-guided spiritual direction. In this refreshing approach to a means of spiritual growth, readers will explore self-guided spiritual direction with the ultimate spiritual director: the Holy Spirit. Examine your inner thoughts, truths, difficulties, and triumphs through reflection questions at the end of each chapter that prompt introspect...

God, Cornbread, and Elvis

Ponderings on Ordinary Graces  
Joe E. Pennel Jr., Joe E. Pennel
Do you wonder how God is present in your ordinary, everyday life? Joe Pennel has a gift for recognizing God at work in life's events, both large and small. He tells how, when, and where he has encountered God's grace. His down-to-earth, insightful reflections make you aware of how God surrounds us with hope and love. Step away from the busyness of life, pull up a chair, and listen to this winsome, folksy storyteller weave his simple tales about being fully alive to the mystery and wonder all ...

Reaching Toward Easter

Devotions for Lent  
Derek Maul
Derek Maul beckons you to join him on a devotional pilgrimage through Lent. Imagine yourself sitting at the table with Jesus and his disciples. Walk with Jesus on the dusty path from Bethany to Jerusalem. Watch him closely and listen to his words of grace, hope, and challenge as he moves purposefully toward the Cross. Reaching Toward Easter features 49 daily devotions that include in-depth Bible study, personal stories, and prayers. Maul hopes that you will arrive at Holy Week refreshed rath...

Stepping Out on Your Own

Devotions for High School Graduates  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Whether a young person is beginning work full-time, continuing his or her education, or exploring the world, the time after high school graduation is a profound transition. Stepping Out On Your Own provides spiritual support that is important when developing new friendships and encountering new challenges. A meaningful gift from family, friends, and churches.

The Uncluttered Heart

Making Room for God During Advent and Christmas  
It's a time when we prepare our lives—hearts, minds, and spirits—for the coming of the Christ child. We sweep out the corners of our hearts, cleaning up the clutter, to make space for God's hope, peace, joy, love, and presence. The Uncluttered Heart offers four weeks of guided reflection through the weeks of Advent on through Epiphany. Each day provides a quotation scripture passage reflection prayer This book includes a study guide for groups.

A Life-Shaping Prayer

52 Meditations in the Wesleyan Spirit  
Paul Wesley Chilcote
Who is God to you? What can you give to God? How does God shape your life? How do you live as a disciple of Christ? Drawing on the rich resources of the Methodist tradition, A Life-Shaping Prayer is a beautifully written devotional resource. Centered around a prayer of an early Wesley follower, the themes of this book lead to a rediscovery of what it means to practice faith. Advocating a holistic spirituality where prayer and life are interconnected, Chilcote's premise will make God incre...