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Showing 71 - 80 of 81 results

Against the Grain

Unconventional Wisdom from Ecclesiastes  
Ray Waddle
You won't hear many sermons preached on Ecclesiastes. The plainspoken skepticism and raw weariness expressed in Ecclesiastes make many people of faith uncomfortable. But, as Waddle points out, this book is in the Bible for a reason. The message of this against-the-grain biblical voice offers an emotionally honest view of the meaning of life. "Despite his reputation, Ecclesiastes marks the surprising arrival of consolation and hope," writes Waddle. "This book is about the neglected themes of E...

Against the Grain

Unconventional Wisdom from Ecclesiastes  
Ray Waddle
You won't hear many sermons preached on Ecclesiastes. The plainspoken skepticism and raw weariness expressed in Ecclesiastes make many people of faith uncomfortable. But, as Waddle points out, this book is in the Bible for a reason. The message of this against-the-grain biblical voice offers an emotionally honest view of the meaning of life. "Despite his reputation, Ecclesiastes marks the surprising arrival of consolation and hope," writes Waddle. "This book is about the neglected themes of E...

Forgiving Your Family

A Journey to Healing  
Kathleen Fischer
Why is it that the people closest to us often cause the deepest, most wrenching pain? Family can either provide restful refuge or prompt you to find it elsewhere. A quick channel-surf through daytime television illustrates that! From the petty irritation to the grievous wrong, forgiving is one of the hardest tasks families face. The gospel calls us to love and forgive others. Ironically, the closer we are to people, the harder it is to forgive them. After all, we count on these people to love...

Forgiving Your Family

A Journey to Healing  
Kathleen Fischer
Why is it that the people closest to us often cause the deepest, most wrenching pain? Family can either provide restful refuge or prompt you to find it elsewhere. A quick channel-surf through daytime television illustrates that! From the petty irritation to the grievous wrong, forgiving is one of the hardest tasks families face. The gospel calls us to love and forgive others. Ironically, the closer we are to people, the harder it is to forgive them. After all, we count on these people to love...

Love Never Ends

Growing Together in Marriage and Faith  
Jeanette Lauer, Robert Lauer
"A threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). A relationship where God and spouses are entwined is as strong and resistant to stresses as a braided cord. "A stable, meaningful marriage is further strengthened by a shared spiritual journey," write the authors. "There's a reciprocal relationship between marital and spiritual growth. In our counseling, we often hear how joint faith is one of the most important factors in the vitality and stability of marriage." In Love Never Ends...

An Adventure in Healing and Wholeness (Korean)

The Healing Ministry of Christ in the Church Today  
James K. Wagner
This book brings James K. Wagner's successful workbook on healing and wholeness to Korean Christians and churches. The original workbook was field-tested and designed for church groups; this new translation has been reviewed and approved by representatives throughout the Korean church in the United States.The workbook adapts Wagner's popular workshop into a seven-session format that explores a holistic approach to health and the relationship between prayer and healing. It offers individual an...

Stretch Out Your Hand

Exploring Healing Prayer  
Tilda Norberg, Robert D. Webber
Stretch Out Your Hand offers practical ways for us to consider the varieties of God's healing love for individuals, institutions, and communities. The book provides an honest examination of the many difficult questions about prayer and the role of faith in healing. Through exercises and stories, the authors reintroduce readers to Jesus' healing ministry and to his vision of the church as a healing community.

Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds

Flora Slosson Wuellner
This sensitive look at inner wounds reminds us that healing was central to Jesus' ministry. Prayers and spiritual exercises will help you find your own means for receiving God's love that will heal physical pain, painful memories, the pain of uncertainty, and the pain of stress.

Stretch Out Your Hand

Exploring Healing Prayer  
Tilda Norberg, Robert D. Webber
Stretch Out Your Hand offers practical ways for us to consider the varieties of God's healing love for individuals, institutions, and communities. The book provides an honest examination of the many difficult questions about prayer and the role of faith in healing. Through exercises and stories, the authors reintroduce readers to Jesus' healing ministry and to his vision of the church as a healing community.

Prayers for Courage

Words of Faith for Difficult Times (Pack of 20)  
The Upper Room
Package of 20 This booklet brings together scripture and prayers that offer words of hope, comfort, and peace during times of fear, change, and uncertainty. Created as a special edition of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, Prayers for Courage helps us rest in God's loving presence when fear invades our lives.