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Showing 61 - 70 of 81 results

Prayers for Hard Times

Words of Faith in a Financial Crisis (Pack of 20)  
The Upper Room
Sometimes life seems full of storms. All of us experience hardships at one time or another. It's when several crises happen at once that you begin to wonder, "Am I going to make it?" Times of difficulty can grind us down, or they can invite us to become more aware of God's presence and concern. Prayers for Hard Times is a collection of scriptures, prayers, and meditations designed to help you find hope and discover God's presence in the midst of fear, worry, and distress. These booklets, shri...

Questions God Asks Us

Trevor Hudson
Transformation comes from questions, not answers. We often look to the Bible as the book of answers. How often, though, do we consider the challenging questions God asks? Hudson notes that Jesus was asked 183 questions in the Gospels but directly only answered three. The Creator is teaching us as we teach children when they struggle with schoolwork: You learn more by doing than being fed an absolute answer. In Questions God Asks Us, we're encouraged to focus on the quest rather than a resolut...

Questions God Asks Us

Trevor Hudson
Transformation comes from questions, not answers. We often look to the Bible as the book of answers. How often, though, do we consider the challenging questions God asks? Hudson notes that Jesus was asked 183 questions in the Gospels but directly only answered three. The Creator is teaching us as we teach children when they struggle with schoolwork: You learn more by doing than being fed an absolute answer. In Questions God Asks Us, we're encouraged to focus on the quest rather than a resolut...


When Christ Touches Our Deepest Need  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Stress, pain, grief… Do you need a miracle? They still happen, says Wuellner, a wise spiritual director, counselor and healer. She's a witness to their power and mystery. "Fifty years ago, as a young pastor, I probably would've denied it," she writes. "But over the years I have become humbler, listening and observing more. Yes, acts of wonder still occur surprisingly often in the physical world. …God works closely in, with and through us as every atom, each cell, every thought and action open...


When Christ Touches Our Deepest Need  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Stress, pain, grief… Do you need a miracle? They still happen, says Wuellner, a wise spiritual director, counselor and healer. She's a witness to their power and mystery. "Fifty years ago, as a young pastor, I probably would've denied it," she writes. "But over the years I have become humbler, listening and observing more. Yes, acts of wonder still occur surprisingly often in the physical world. …God works closely in, with and through us as every atom, each cell, every thought and action open...

Fear Not

Learning from Your Cancer  
Judy Gattis Smith
Though cancer is a devastating experience, it can be a time of personal growth and self-understanding. With a wise heart gained from her own experience with cancer, Judy Gattis Smith guides cancer survivors to work through such questions as: Why me? How have my priorities changed because of my diagnosis? Where is God in what is happening? How do I find inspiration and daily strength to deal with my cancer? Fear Not is a guided personal workbook that will help you work through the big ques...

One Day at a Time

Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality  
Trevor Hudson
Each day brings news of someone entering rehab for treatment. While many people struggle with obvious addictions such as alcoholism or substance abuse, less evident but just-as-serious problems may lie below the most composed surface. In One Day at a Time Hudson takes a fresh look at the Twelve Steps used by Alcoholics Anonymous. These practical guiding principles of recovery can help you, whatever your struggle, to reclaim self-worth and renewal. Discover how the Twelve Steps can help you h...

One Day at a Time

Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality  
Trevor Hudson
Each day brings news of someone entering rehab for treatment. While many people struggle with obvious addictions such as alcoholism or substance abuse, less evident but just-as-serious problems may lie below the most composed surface. In One Day at a Time Hudson takes a fresh look at the Twelve Steps used by Alcoholics Anonymous. These practical guiding principles of recovery can help you, whatever your struggle, to reclaim self-worth and renewal. Discover how the Twelve Steps can help you h...

Vital Signs

A Pathway to Congregational Wholeness  
Dan R. Dick
Like many mainline denominations, The United Methodist Church is ailing. Declining membership, worship and Sunday school attendance, outreach, and giving—all troubling signs. In an age of megachurches, "Ten Steps to…" congregational self-help programs point to models that may not be in the church's best interest. Following the suggestions of this new conventional wisdom may reverse the trends and attract thousands to highly entertaining services (bolstered by a strong budget and marketing pla...

Prayers for Encouragement

Hope for Persons Living with HIV & AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and Other Serious Diseases, Package of 20  
The Upper Room
In Jesus' time, lepers were the most stigmatized of patients. Yet he demonstrated great compassion toward them. Today, persons living with HIV/AIDS suffer many of the same discriminations and rejections that first-century lepers did. What would Jesus do? And how willing are you to follow Jesus' example? Like its predecessors in the Pocket Prayer Series, Prayers for Encouragement is a 32-page booklet of comforting meditations developed for a specific need—in this case, serious diseases affecti...