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Showing 41 - 50 of 129 results

Praying through Cancer

28 Days of Prayer  
Todd Outcalt
Our first reaction when the doctor says it's cancer: Why me? Receiving a cancer diagnosis is traumatic, both for the person diagnosed and family and friends. Todd Outcalt writes from the perspective of a husband who has accompanied his wife, a breast cancer survivor, through her cancer journey. Praying Through Cancer is a practical guide for anyone seeking strength, support, and hope for coping with cancer. This personal book addresses the raw emotions and deep questions evoked by cancer. Eac...

Every Step a Prayer

Walking as Spiritual Practice  
Thomas R. Hawkins
It's common knowledge that walking benefits your physical health. But have you considered that walking is good for your soul? Every Step a Prayer explores the history of walking as a spiritual practice and introduces you to several methods of walking meditation and prayer. Thomas Hawkins provides a new look at the way we walk together as the people of God in worship, in mission projects, and for social justice. He invites you to experience walking not only as an activity you do for health, le...

Every Step a Prayer

Walking as Spiritual Practice  
Thomas R. Hawkins
It's common knowledge that walking benefits your physical health. But have you considered that walking is good for your soul? Every Step a Prayer explores the history of walking as a spiritual practice and introduces you to several methods of walking meditation and prayer. Thomas Hawkins provides a new look at the way we walk together as the people of God in worship, in mission projects, and for social justice. He invites you to experience walking not only as an activity you do for health, le...

Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God

The Practice of Centering Prayer  
J. David Muyskens
It's been said that Centering Prayer is like two friends sitting together in silence, just being in each other's presence—completely natural and comfortable. Yet, Centering Prayer is sometimes viewed as too mysterious, too escapist, too hard. At first, it even appeared that way to the author, but events in his life and his further studies about prayer changed his views. Through Muyskens' insightful guidance, you'll explore a method of prayer that goes deeper than verbal conversations with God...

Fire in the Soul

A Prayer Book for the Later Years  
Richard L. Morgan
In Fire in the Soul, Richard L. Morgan offers prayers to God for help in meeting the following late-life challenges: discovering God's call at retirement moving to deeper contemplation accepting aging discerning the meaning of stories mentoring facing loss and death redeeming suffering Morgan includes personal prayers (most written after his own retirement) as well as classic prayers from John Calvin, Saint Augustine, John Donne, and Teresa of Avila. A constant spiritual guide for the late...

Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me

Celtic Blessings  
Beth A. Richardson
Many Christians long to sense God's presence in their everyday lives but don't know how. Inspired by the ancient form of prayer practiced by the Celtic people, Beth Richardson offers a multitude of short prayers—blessings—that embrace every aspect of daily life. A sense of joy about ordinary moments of the day pervades this book. Many of the blessings came to Richardson during one of her daily activities—walking her dogs. As she welcomed the day, she thought about celebrations, challenges, an...

Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me

Celtic Blessings  
Beth A. Richardson
Practice seeing blessings all around you! Upper Room author Beth A. Richardson invites us to practice the Celtic way of seeing God in everyday life. Through Beth's written blessings and stories, we're invited to live into a regular practice of gratitude and noticing?practices that encourage us to be aware of God all around us. Drawing on her own Celtic heritage, Beth weaves personal story and written blessings into a book you'll want to have ready for life's ordinary and extraordinary moments...

Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me

Celtic Blessings  
Beth A. Richardson
Many Christians long to sense God's presence in their everyday lives but don't know how. Inspired by the ancient form of prayer practiced by the Celtic people, Beth Richardson offers a multitude of short prayers—blessings—that embrace every aspect of daily life. A sense of joy about ordinary moments of the day pervades this book. Many of the blessings came to Richardson during one of her daily activities—walking her dogs. As she welcomed the day, she thought about celebrations, challenges, an...

Devoting Ourselves to the Prayers

A Baptismal Theology for the Church's Intercessory Work  
Mark Stamm
Dr. Stamm integrates the biblical, theological, and pastoral insight fitting of a liturgical scholar-pastor as he attempts to improve and deepen the church's congregational practice of intercessory prayer. In Devoting Ourselves to the Prayers: A Baptismal Theology for the Church's Intercessory Work, Dr. Stamm points to the strong biblical and historical connections between baptism and intercessory prayer, suggesting that intercessory prayer is a vocation—a calling—rooted in our common baptism...

Scrambled Starts

Family Prayers for Morning, Bedtime, and Everything In-Between  
Jenny Youngman
Do you long to teach your children to pray? How do you build a prayerful family when everyone is running in different directions? In Scrambled Starts, Youngman shares honestly from her family's journey as she tried to build prayer into their daily lives. This encouraging book for parents and families includes prayers for mealtime and bedtime prayers for specific occasions and ordinary times prayers for all ages scriptures to memorize help for starting a family devotion time Benefit from ...