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Showing 31 - 40 of 129 results

Beads of Healing

Prayer, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness  
Kristen E. Vincent
Healing from trauma begins with the courageous act of telling your story. Yet many survivors of trauma are afraid to tell anyone about their deeply painful and personal experience(s). Trauma survivors often feel shame, guilt, fear, and anger. They may also carry deep spiritual wounds, such as feeling abandoned or punished by God. They may wonder how they can ever trust God. In Beads of Healing, Kristen Vincent shares her story of childhood trauma and how she eventually found God's peace, heal...

Beads of Healing

Prayer, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness  
Kristen E. Vincent

Healing from trauma begins with the courageous act of telling your story. Yet many survivors of trauma are afraid to tell anyone about their deeply painful and personal experience(s). Trauma survivors often feel shame, guilt, fear, and anger. They may also carry deep spiritual wounds, such as feeling abandoned or punished by God. They may wonder how they can ever trust God. In Beads of Healing, Kristen Vincent shares her story of childhood trauma and how she eventually found God's peace, heal...

Beads of Healing

Prayer, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness  
Kristen E. Vincent
Healing from trauma begins with the courageous act of telling your story. Yet many survivors of trauma are afraid to tell anyone about their deeply painful and personal experience(s). Trauma survivors often feel shame, guilt, fear, and anger. They may also carry deep spiritual wounds, such as feeling abandoned or punished by God. They may wonder how they can ever trust God. In Beads of Healing, Kristen Vincent shares her story of childhood trauma and how she eventually found God's peace, heal...

Espacios de calma

Momentos de oración para mujeres  
Patricia Wilson

La relación íntima con Dios que has anhelado está a tu alcance, a pesar del caos de hacer malabares con múltiples responsabilidades, tiempos límites y de las diferentes labores de tu vida estirada hasta el máximo. Con Espacios de calma puedes aprender a calmar tu mente y a escuchar la voz apacible y tranquila de Dios en medio de la turbulencia a tu alrededor. La escritora y conferencista profesional Patricia Wilson sabe lo que es luchar para encontrar algunos minutos para ella misma. A trav...

Espacios de calma

Momentos de oración para mujeres  
Patricia Wilson

La relación íntima con Dios que has anhelado está a tu alcance, a pesar del caos de hacer malabares con múltiples responsabilidades, tiempos límites y de las diferentes labores de tu vida estirada hasta el máximo. Con Espacios de calma puedes aprender a calmar tu mente y a escuchar la voz apacible y tranquila de Dios en medio de la turbulencia a tu alrededor. La escritora y conferencista profesional Patricia Wilson sabe lo que es luchar para encontrar algunos minutos para ella misma. A trav...

Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit

Whitney R. Simpson
Many of us long to hear God's voice, yet we often overlook the great wisdom God gave us in our bodies. There is a deep connection between our bodies and spirits. What might happen if we listened more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies? How might listening with our whole selves change the way we listen to God? A stroke at age 31 forced Whitney Simpson to slow down and listen more deeply to her body. In the process she discovered how to listen more deeply to God. During her journey of healing a...

Praying with Mandalas

A Colorful, Contemplative Practice  
Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Have you ever thought of coloring as a way to pray? Pick up your colored pencils or crayons and discover a creative way to slow down and focus on God. Sharon Seyfarth Garner invites adults to color mandalas as an easy, enjoyable, and tangible way to "be with God on purpose." Praying with Mandalas blends the relaxing and contemplative practice of coloring with these ancient spiritual practices: Lectio divina (meditative reading of scripture) Intercessory prayer Centering prayer Examen (revie...

Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit

Whitney R. Simpson
Many of us long to hear God's voice, yet we often overlook the great wisdom God gave us in our bodies. There is a deep connection between our bodies and spirits. What might happen if we listened more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies? How might listening with our whole selves change the way we listen to God? A stroke at age 31 forced Whitney Simpson to slow down and listen more deeply to her body. In the process she discovered how to listen more deeply to God. During her journey of healing a...

Praying through Cancer

28 Days of Prayer  
Todd Outcalt
Our first reaction when the doctor says it's cancer: Why me? Receiving a cancer diagnosis is traumatic, both for the person diagnosed and family and friends. Todd Outcalt writes from the perspective of a husband who has accompanied his wife, a breast cancer survivor, through her cancer journey. Praying Through Cancer is a practical guide for anyone seeking strength, support, and hope for coping with cancer. This personal book addresses the raw emotions and deep questions evoked by cancer. Eac...

Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me

Celtic Blessings  
Beth A. Richardson

Many Christians long to sense God's presence in their everyday lives but don't know how. Inspired by the ancient form of prayer practiced by the Celtic people, Beth Richardson offers a multitude of short prayers—blessings—that embrace every aspect of daily life. A sense of joy about ordinary moments of the day pervades this book. Many of the blessings came to Richardson during one of her daily activities—walking her dogs. As she welcomed the day, she thought about celebrations, challenges, an...