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Ecourse Walking In The Wilderness

Walking In The Wilderness

An Online Lenten Retreat with The Upper Room  

Instructed by Beth A. Richardson

Living through social and political upheaval can sometimes feel a lot like wandering in exile through a spiritual desert.

The Upper Room invites you to join us this Lent for an online retreat in which we will hold sacred space for one another and connect with God throughout each day. You may feel like you are walking in the wilderness, but you are not alone. The Holy Spirit travels with us.

The book of Joel reminds us:

"Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for [God] is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing" (Joel 2:12-13, NRSV).

Together, we will embrace the challenge of remembering God?not just during formal worship or daily meditation but throughout the day, a skill to be developed over time, a practice learned over a lifetime. We will also gather weekly for online worship and engage in times of prayer and reflection on scripture. We come hungry to this season of Lent?hungry for words of life, for rituals of preparation, for practices to help us on our way.

Together, let's remember God, receive words of life, and walk through the days of Lent.

Featuring Beth A. Richardson's book Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God During Lent, our online retreat will include a variety of elements available to you anytime in our online classroom:

  • Daily devotional readings from the book, available in the online classroom
  • Space for comments and interaction with other eCourse registrants
  • Recordings of live sessions from 2021, available for viewing.
  • Optional: private classrooms and closed discussions are available just for your group or congregation.**

Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God During Lent is an honest Lenten devotional that invites us to remember God as much as we can; in doing so, we will maintain a true center during this holy time.

We invite you to engage as you are able. You are not required to participate in every element of the online retreat.

Join our open group and make new friends, or request a private classroom for your group of 5 or more and delve into Walking in the Wilderness: An Online Lenten Retreat with The Upper Room with those you know.

  • Week One: Entering the Wilderness | Isaiah 58
  • Week Two: Wandering in the Wilderness | Exodus 16
  • Week Three: The experience of Exile | Ezekiel 37:1-14
  • Week Four: Singing the Songs of Exile | Psalm 137
  • Week Five: Jesus in the Wilderness | Luke 4:1-13
  • Week Six: The Wilderness of Holy Week

Private group breakout rooms are available during these live events.

* For private classroom pricing and information, contact us at [email protected].

Format: eCourse
Publication Date: 10/01/2020

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