Emmaus 3-Day Schedule

Emmaus 3-Day Schedule

Edited by Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
PDF File

The Walk to Emmaus 3-Day Schedule offers a detailed, step-by-step description and script to be used on the 72-hour event.

  • These materials are copyrighted and are being purchased with an event-specific purpose (see #4 of the Emmaus Ministries Covenant Agreement).
  • A single copy of this product should be purchased for each "Walk" a community holds and is to be used for that particular event and then discarded.
  • When a single purchase is made it will include 5 downloads. This is intended to be for various devices related to a single email address, not for 5 different individuals or events.

This item is non-discountable.

To order Emmaus Community-only resources, please make sure you are signed in with the designated account for your community. If you have any issues placing the order or would like to receive a bill, please contact our Customer Care team at [email protected].

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