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Santuarios más seguros

Fomentar la confianza en las comunidades religiosas  
Discipleship Resources

Desde 1998, Santuarios seguros ha sido una fuente fiable de orientación para las iglesias y otras instituciones afiliadas en su labor de reducir el riesgo de abusos en sus comunidades mediante políticas y prácticas de eficacia probada. Sin embargo, un mundo cambiante exige una renovación constante de estas estrategias de confianza junto con enfoques nuevos y actualizados de la labor de prevención de los abusos. Santuarios más seguros: Fomentar la confianza en las comunidades religiosas se basa en los cimientos sólidos de los recursos anteriores, a la vez que inspira y prepara a las iglesias para la labor del futuro.

Season's Greetings

Christmas Letters from Those Who Were There  
Ruth L. Boling

Rediscover the beloved Christmas story this year, through the words of those who were there. In the Advent devotional Season’s Greetings, hear the dramatic stories, told through personal letters, of a dozen Biblical characters forever changed by the miracle that took place in Bethlehem so long ago. As King Herod, the Magi, the Innkeeper, the midwife – and even Jesus himself – share what Christmas meant for their lives, we’re invited to consider what the story means for us and our lives, today. Each chapter ends with a prayer, reflection questions, and journaling prompts, making this resource an enriching Advent companion for individuals, small groups, and church leaders alike.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2025

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Longing for daily spiritual renewal with God? The Upper Room Disciplines is essential reading for all who yearn to live everyday grounded in God's word and hope. In this beloved and bestselling year-long devotional, you'll find inspiring daily meditations and prayers from diverse Christian thought leaders to help deepen your daily life with God. Each week, a different thought leader will provide fresh perspectives and meaningful reflections to deepen your understanding of scripture and God's longings for you and your community. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of scripture readings, Disciplines sparks new insights and revelations on scripture being prayed with and preached around the world. Disciplines also includes a Small Group Leader's Guide, and a Guide to Daily Prayer. Among the writers for the 2025 edition of Disciplines are Jorge Acevedo, Bishop Sidwell Mokgothu, Osheta Moore, J. Dana Trent, Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth, and Nadiyka Gerbish.

Feeling Your Way Through Grief

A Companion for Life after Loss  
Missy Buchanan

You are not alone in your grief. When author Missy Buchanan lost her beloved husband of 43 years, she was devastated. As she looked for meaningful resources to help her cope with her grief, Missy found most books too long or heady. So, she decided to process her grief in her own way … by writing personal notes to her husband, unfiltered and straight from her heart. In this poignant collection of reflections from that first year, Missy models how to “feel all your feelings” as she navigates the challenges and unexpected hurdles she experienced from day to day. Feeling Your Way Through Grief is an invitation to embrace the complexities of loss, find solace in genuine emotions, and embark on a faithful journey toward healing. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter invite you to explore your own emotions more deeply, gently guiding you along your own unwanted journey of grief.

Pastoral Pause

A Practical Guide to Renewal Leave  
Greg Pimlott

In the demanding realm of pastoral ministry, where energy fades and the threat of burnout is ever-present, pastor Greg Pimlott offers a lifeline. With disarming humor and refreshing honesty, Pimlott invites us into his own transformative journey from burnout to spiritual revitalization, providing encouragement, inspiration, and practical tools for other pastors on the brink of exhaustion and considering a renewal leave.

Looking Inward, Living Outward

The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation  
Daniel Wolpert

Discover how spiritual practices can inspire social change. From the author of Creating a Life with God and Leading a Life with God comes a new book exploring how a life of prayer is inextricably connected with social transformation. Drawing from Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual director and pastor Daniel Wolpert describes 12 spiritual practices for individuals and communities that lead to justice and healing on earth as it is in heaven.

Speak, My Soul

Listening to the Divine with Holy Purpose  
Marsha Crockett

Our soul speaks … but can we hear it? In our noisy and overcrowded lives, it's often difficult to find the space to listen deeply to our own inner voice, let alone the voice of God. In Speak, My Soul, spiritual guide Marsha Crockett leads you through seven pathways for slowing down and discerning God's promptings in your daily life. Using the psalms as a spiritual roadmap, the journey will include seven weeks of daily meditations, prayers, practices, and prompts to help you enter and explore the quiet landscape of the soul, speaking to you even now.

Where We Meet

A Lenten Study of Systems, Stories, and Hope  
Rachel Gilmore, Candace Lewis, Tyler Sit, ...

In Where We Meet, four members of the Intersect network invite you to immerse yourself in the stories of Jesus and the early church. Together, they also explore their own stories, examine past shortcomings of the church, address difficult questions, and envision a brighter future that better reflects the good news of Jesus.

Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración

Una guía práctica para la década de 2020  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon

En el libro Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración, los autores Paul Nixon y Craig Gilbert junto con un equipo de otros catorce expertos en plantación de iglesias, ofrecen consejos valiosos a los líderes del ministerio — tanto al clero como a los laicos — para alcanzar a nuevas personas con el evangelio.

Leadership is Discipleship 2024 (Korean)

Artificial Intelligence  

LID 2024 리더십저널은 ‘인공지능’을 다룬다. 물론 우리가 과학자나 기술자가 아니기에 인공지능 기술이 얼마나 발전하고 어떤 방향으로 갈지는 확정할 수 없다. 그러나 현재 상황과 예측할 수 있는 현실을 직시하며 인공지능 시대에 목사와 신학자로, 기독교학자와 교수로 인공지능 영역에 관한 이해와 전망, 이슈와 문제점, 직업과 노동, 인간 이해와 관계성, 윤리와 영성, 교육과 신학 관련 질문을 하고 방향을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. 인공지능이라는 한 주제 속에서, 좀 더 세밀한 부분, 곧 윤리, 문화, 인간론, 영성, 노동, 사회, 교육, 사역 등과 연계한 글이 많으니, 인공지능과 신학의 이해 폭을 넓히고 인공지능과 기독교의 만남으로 펼쳐질 미지의 세상에 길을 트고 방향을 제시해 나가기를 바란다.