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Showing 41 - 50 of 386 results

La oración de una viuda

Encontrar la gracia de Dios en los días venideros  
Nell E. Noonan

Las crisis de la vida amenazan nuestra estabilidad espiritual. La pérdida de un ser querido -se espere o no su muerte- es siempre traumática. El trauma de adaptarse a la nueva realidad de viuda mientras se enfrenta a una multitud de preguntas y decisiones urgentes puede ser abrumador. En este libro de 60 meditaciones, Nell Noonan comparte con franqueza sus experiencias en los 26 meses posteriores a la muerte de su marido. Describe su recorrido en el duelo como una jornada repleta de bendicion...

Walking in the Wilderness

Seeking God During Lent  
Beth A. Richardson

People of faith are struggling these days as they watch unbelievable events unfold. The United States, once a refuge for immigrants, has closed its borders to many of the world's most vulnerable citizens. Fear of people different from us has created an atmosphere of hatred, incivility, and violence. We are living in a time of wilderness and exile. Yet the wilderness is a familiar place for those who follow Jesus. Like Jesus, we spend 40 days in the wilderness. During Lent God calls us to exam...

Let Us Go Now to Bethlehem

Daily Devotions for Advent and Christmas  
Todd Outcalt
This charming devotional book takes readers on an inward journey to the miracle of Christ's birth in the little town of Bethlehem. Many who will read this book probably haven't actually traveled to Bethlehem. "But that is of little consequence to the adventure of arriving there, to the adventure of discovery that awaits the mystery and wonder in the birth of Jesus," Todd Outcalt writes. The devotions are both personal and challenging. "I hope readers can discover something new that they may h...

Emaús Manual de Directores

Caminata a Emaús  
The Upper Room
El Manual de Directores de la Caminata a Emaús está especialmente diseñado para los directores y las directoras de la Caminata del fin de semana (laicos/as y clérigos/as) e incluye información para ayudar a los directores y las directoras del fin de semana a apoyar los papeles de todo el equipo de la sala de conferencias. Este manual incluye los procedimientos básicos para el Evento del fin de semana, horarios, guías para todos los miembros del equipo y recursos reproducibles. Este producto n...

Emaús Manual del Equipo

Caminata a Emaús  
The Upper Room
El Manual del Equipo de la Caminata a Emaús es muy necesario para todas las personas encargadas del Evento tanto para su uso en la preparación para el servicio, así como para su uso en las reuniones del equipo. Ayuda a los miembros del equipo de la sala de conferencias a desarrollar un entendimiento de La Caminata a Emaús y de lo que se espera de ellos/ellas durante la Caminata. Este producto no tiene descuento.

Ministerios de Emaús manual de la comunidad

Ministerios de Emaús  
The Upper Room

Manual de la Comunidad de los Ministerios de Emaús Este recurso reemplaza tanto al Manual de El Aposento Alto para Emaús como al Manual de El Aposento Alto para Crisálida. Explica los pormenores, los porqués y los cómos de los cuatro ministerios de Emaús de El Aposento Alto: La Caminata a Emaús, Crisálida, Cara a Cara, y Jornada a la Mesa. El Manual de la Comunidad de los Ministerios de Emaús ofrece una visión general y una explicación completa del movimiento Emaús y de todos los ministerio...

Brave Church

Tackling Tough Topics Together  
Elizabeth Hagan
In today's deeply divided world where discussions can quickly become heated and uncivil, churches need to learn how to talk about sensitive issues. Our society needs brave churches where people can talk about the real struggles they are experiencing without fear of being dismissed, shamed, or judged. Brave Church helps congregations talk about controversial topics with sensitivity to those who see the world and have experienced life differently from themselves. It guides readers to think thr...


Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice  
Britney Winn Lee

"This is a prayer book for revolution—a revolution of love and compassion and justice," Shane Claiborne writes in the foreword. The prayers in this collection are meant to be prayed in community. Rally is a prayer book for faith communities searching for words to respond to the injustices around them. It's a prayer book for Christian activists who believe in putting feet to their prayers. The book supplies words for concerned Christians who yearn to lift their voices to God about such issues ...

Gather Us In

Leading Transformational Small Groups  
Angela D. Schaffner
The church can become a place where people want to run to instead of away from during times of suffering. Small groups offer a safe space for individuals to connect meaningfully with one another, and they also provide an environment where relational healing can begin. This comprehensive guide to leading small groups provides eight strategies for leading transformative small groups, dispels common myths about leading groups, and helps readers understand how groups work and the life stages of a...

The Awakened Life for High School Students

Finding Stillness in an Anxious World, Leader Guide  
Sarah E. Bollinger, Angela R. Olsen

One out of five teens lives with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Some come to believe that worry, isolation, and fear are all life has to offer. Yet God created us for lives full of joy, well-being, and connection. The Awakened Life for High School Students is an eight-week small-group guide that empowers teens to awaken to a more abundant life through practices that build resiliency, teach psychosocial skills, and foster emotional and spiritual well-being. It is designed to b...