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Showing 31 - 40 of 386 results

Whom Shall I Fear?

Urgent Questions for Christians in an Age of Violence  
Rosalind C. Hughes
Churches are not immune to violence, as we have seen from shootings at houses of worship across the nation. The challenge for faith communities is how to respond to potential violence. Whom Shall I Fear? asks congregational leaders to examine whether their operational and security policies are consistent with gospel values. It raises common themes in approaches to church security and looks at them in the light of scripture. Whom Shall I Fear? provides thought-provoking reflections on topics...

Chrysalis Leaders' Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
New with updated content, the Chrysalis Leaders' Manual is designed to be used by the Lay Leader, Peer Leader, and Spiritual Leader for the Chrysalis weekend. It contains information on the structure, selection, formation, and development of the fruit of the Spirit in members of the Chrysalis team. This manual gives an overview of the responsibilities of each member of the Conference Room Team and Background Team. It also includes an agenda and supply list for team meetings, a plan for six te...

Chrysalis Team Manual

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
New with updates to team structure, the Chrysalis Team Manual supports all team members for a Chrysalis weekend. Each member of the Conference Room Team and Background Team needs a copy of this manual. The updated team structure emphasizes servant leadership and youth and adults serving side-by-side. This manual will prove especially helpful during the weeks of team formation leading up to a Chrysalis weekend; it includes information about how to prepare for and lead the weekend. The Chrysali...

Chrysalis Worship Booklet, Fourth Edition

Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
Every Chrysalis participant needs a copy of the latest edition of the worship booklet, which contains An explanation of Chrysalis Prayers used during the Chrysalis weekend, such as the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, prayers for mealtimes, and other prayers (The Lord's Prayer, The Prayer of St. Francis, John Wesley's Covenant Prayer, The Apostles' Creed, and others) Song texts ("Jesus, Jesus"; "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"; "De Colores") An outline for a Next Steps meeting A traditional Communion ...

Ready, Set, Plant

The Why and How of Starting New Churches  
Bener Agtarap, Curtis Brown
When one reads through the New Testament, it's evident that the practice of planting churches began two thousand years ago. Today's culture, community, and connections differ greatly from the churches Peter and Paul helped build. Even in the past 20 years, those factors have dramatically changed the ministry of church planting. In Ready, Set, Plant Bener Agtarap and Curtis Brown provide tools for planting churches—looking at the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of the process. Creating...

Reinicio del alma

Crisis, avance y viaje a la plenitud  
Junius B. Dotson
Todo parecía estar bien, hasta que no lo estaba. Al reverendo Junius B. Dotson le costó un desmayo mientras predicaba en un funeral para darse cuenta de que necesitaba un reinicio. A medida que recordaba su propio peregrinaje a través del duelo, la depresión, el agotamiento y el colapso emocional, Dotson se apasionó por el llamado a un reinicio del alma para los pastores, pastoras, líderes de la iglesia y todas las personas discípulas de Jesucristo. Este es un estudio de 6 semanas de duració...

Texting Through Cancer

Ordinary Moments of Community, Love, and Healing  
Jan Woodard
When author Jan Woodard requested prayer after her breast cancer diagnosis, her texts, email, and mail were flooded with encouraging notes that inspired her to write about her journey through treatment. As she wrote a weekly column for her local newspaper, Woodard discovered that writing kept her from self-pity by helping her focus on others and shift from fear to faith. In Texting Through Cancer, Woodard shares the peace she found in surrendering her cancer to God. Through 44 reflections she...

Light of Setting Suns

Reflecting on Realities and Mysteries at Ninety Years of Life  
Richard L. Morgan
At age 60 Dr. Richard Morgan wrote No Wrinkles on the Soul as he faced the unknowns of aging and felt the need for a book to help himself and others navigate its challenges, especially the spiritual ones. Now 91, Morgan still faces many unknowns, and once again has written a book that describes how it feels to be old and encourages others in the same stage of life. "The years have taken a toll on my body," he writes, "but my mind and spirit are still young!" Light of Setting Suns contains sto...

What Loss Can Teach Us

A Sacred Pathway to Growth and Healing  
Beth Taulman Miller
After a significant loss, many people rush to get back a sense of normalcy without allowing themselves time to heal and learn from that loss. Our loving and compassionate God longs to walk with individuals on a transformational journey through loss toward becoming more emotionally and spiritually whole. This book shows readers that God offers an "on ramp" to the process of tending to their pain. What Loss Can Teach Us provides readers with stepping-stones for getting through loss and pain whi...

Plant Like Jesus

The Church Planter's Devotional  
Ben Ingebretson
Plant Like Jesus provides spiritual nourishment for planting leaders, innovating pastors, seminary students, and anyone seeking to root their mission work in the practices of Jesus. Author Ben Ingebretson's extensive experience in church planting brings hands-on credibility to this topic. He uses accessible language and real-life examples to encourage and equip those who are called to reach new people for Christ. With each of the 60 devotional readings, Ingebretson proclaims that by looking t...