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Showing 31 - 40 of 57 results

Prepare the Way

Cultivating a Heart for God in Advent  
Throughout Advent we read and sing the words Prepare the Way as we make room to welcome the Christ child into our lives once again. We prepare our city streets and buildings. We prepare our homes and workspaces. But sometimes Advent can slip away from us before we can prepare our hearts. In this 4-week study and prayer book, Pamela Hawkins invites us to prepare our hearts through guided prayer, readings from Isaiah and Matthew, as well as brief reflections on four scriptural themes: Peace, Ju...

Why This Jubilee?

Advent Reflections on Songs of the Season  
James C. Howell
Music is such an important part of Advent and Christmas. Can you imagine Advent without "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"? How about Christmas without carols like "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," and "Joy to the World"? It pleases the Lord Jesus when we sing of his coming with carols we know by heart. It pleases him even more when we think about the words we are singing. In twenty-four reflections on well-known carols and Christmas songs, James Howell explores the birth of Jesus. He p...

Why This Jubilee?

Advent Reflections on Songs of the Season  
James C. Howell
Music is such an important part of Advent and Christmas. Can you imagine Advent without "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"? How about Christmas without carols like "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," and "Joy to the World"? It pleases the Lord Jesus when we sing of his coming with carols we know by heart. It pleases him even more when we think about the words we are singing. In 24 reflections on well-known carols and Christmas songs, James Howell explores the birth of Jesus. He ponders the ...

Why This Jubilee?

Advent Reflections on Songs of the Season  
James C. Howell
Music is such an important part of Advent and Christmas. Can you imagine Advent without "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"? How about Christmas without carols like "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," and "Joy to the World"? It pleases the Lord Jesus when we sing of his coming with carols we know by heart. It pleases him even more when we think about the words we are singing. In 24 reflections on well-known carols and Christmas songs, James Howell explores the birth of Jesus. He ponders the ...

Light of Lights

Advent Devotions from The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide  
Robin Pippin
This Advent book invites readers to commit to the practice of daily prayer. The collection of meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional guide is arranged to coordinate with the themes of the four candles on an Advent wreath: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Meditations are included for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sunday after Christmas. A complete Leader's Guide for small groups and instructions for making an Advent wreath are included.

Taste and See

Experiencing the Stories of Advent and Christmas  
Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson offers an innovative Advent small-group study built around a careful contextual reading of scripture combined with the imaginative reading approach introduced by St. Ignatius. The title Taste and See hints at how readers are invited to experience the stories of the season with their senses. Drawing on that experience of scripture, participants then consider how these stories speak to their own lives.

Light of Lights

Advent Devotions from The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide  
This Advent book invites readers to commit to the practice of daily prayer. The collection of meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional guide is arranged to coordinate with the themes of the four candles on an Advent wreath: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Meditations are included for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sunday after Christmas. A complete Leader's Guide for small groups and instructions for making an Advent wreath are included.

Taste and See

Experiencing the Stories of Advent and Christmas  
Jan Johnson offers an innovative Advent small-group study built around a careful contextual reading of scripture combined with the imaginative reading approach introduced by St. Ignatius. The title Taste and See hints at how readers are invited to experience the stories of the season with their senses. Drawing on that experience of scripture, participants then consider how these stories speak to their own lives.

Embodied Light

Advent Reflections on the Incarnation  
Melissa Tidwell
Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why was Jesus born? What does Jesus' birth have to do with my life? Embodied Light invites you to ponder our Creator's daring adventure of becoming human and coming to earth to live among us. During this 4-week study, you will explore the meaning of incarnation—the miracle of our Creator choosing to become human and live among us. The Incarnation also says something to us about our own lives, about what being human means. Using scripture, prayer, and daily refle...

Embodied Light

Advent Reflections on the Incarnation  
Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why was Jesus born? What does Jesus' birth have to do with my life? Embodied Light invites you to ponder our Creator's daring adventure of becoming human and coming to earth to live among us. During this 4-week study, you will explore the meaning of incarnation—the miracle of our Creator choosing to become human and live among us. The Incarnation also says something to us about our own lives, about what being human means. Using scripture, prayer, and daily refle...