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Showing 41 - 50 of 57 results

Silence and Other Surprising Invitations of Advent

Enuma Okoro
Usually when we think of the Advent story, Mary, Joseph, and the angel Gabriel come to mind. Okoro approaches Advent a little differently, inviting us to sit for a while with Zechariah and Elizabeth and the story of how they came to bear their only son, John. "The Advent story we so often associate with the joy of Christmas actually begins with deep sorrow and longing. But thankfully, in the kingdom of God, there is always more to the story than meets the eye," Enuma Okoro writes. Zechariah ...

Singing Mary's Song

An Advent Message of Hope and Deliverance  
John A. Stroman
Soon after the angel Gabriel announced to Mary the astonishing news that she would bear the long-awaited Messiah, Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was also expecting a child. As Mary greeted Elizabeth, the child in Elizabeth's womb (John the Baptist) leaped inside her. Elizabeth exclaimed to Mary, "God has blessed you among all women. Why do I have this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" Mary responded by singing a song of praise to God, commonly known as the Ma...

Singing Mary's Song

An Advent Message of Hope and Deliverance  
Soon after the angel Gabriel announced to Mary the astonishing news that she would bear the long-awaited Messiah, Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was also expecting a child. As Mary greeted Elizabeth, the child in Elizabeth's womb (John the Baptist) leaped inside her. Elizabeth exclaimed to Mary, "God has blessed you among all women. Why do I have this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" Mary responded by singing a song of praise to God, commonly known as the Ma...

Silence and Other Surprising Invitations of Advent

Usually when we think of the Advent story, Mary, Joseph, and the angel Gabriel come to mind. Okoro approaches Advent a little differently, inviting us to sit for a while with Zechariah and Elizabeth and the story of how they came to bear their only son, John. "The Advent story we so often associate with the joy of Christmas actually begins with deep sorrow and longing. But thankfully, in the kingdom of God, there is always more to the story than meets the eye," Enuma Okoro writes. Zechariah ...


Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent  
Pamela C. Hawkins
Behold is an old-fashioned word we rarely hear these days. It's not in most modern translations of the Bible. Yet Pamela Hawkins says this word softens the edges of her heart. "I cannot say this word without moving, without extending and lifting a hand, palm open, toward the object of my attention," she remarks. Enter Advent this year with an attitude of curious expectancy and trustful anticipation. Linger for a while and pay close attention to the meaning of the season as you focus on a si...


Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent  
Pamela C. Hawkins
Behold is an old-fashioned word we rarely hear these days. It's not in most modern translations of the Bible. Yet Pamela Hawkins says this word softens the edges of her heart. "I cannot say this word without moving, without extending and lifting a hand, palm open, toward the object of my attention," she remarks. Enter Advent this year with an attitude of curious expectancy and trustful anticipation. Linger for a while and pay close attention to the meaning of the season as you focus on a si...

Meeting the Messiah

Scriptures for the Advent Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Journey through this Advent season with a purposeful focus on the Christ child. Meeting the Messiah encourages you to slow down and pay attention to the real meaning of Christmas. Six weeks of short readings and guided reflection will enrich your celebration of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. You will be filled with joy and thanksgiving as you think about scripture passages from the perspectives of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Mary, the shepherds, the magi, and Jesus himself. This year...

Meeting the Messiah

Scriptures for the Advent Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Journey through this Advent season with a purposeful focus on the Christ child. Meeting the Messiah encourages you to slow down and pay attention to the real meaning of Christmas. Six weeks of short readings and guided reflection will enrich your celebration of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. You will be filled with joy and thanksgiving as you think about scripture passages from the perspectives of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Mary, the shepherds, the magi, and Jesus himself. This year...

The Uncluttered Heart

Making Room for God During Advent and Christmas  
Beth A. Richardson
It's a time when we prepare our lives—hearts, minds, and spirits—for the coming of the Christ child. We sweep out the corners of our hearts, cleaning up the clutter, to make space for God's hope, peace, joy, love, and presence. The Uncluttered Heart offers four weeks of guided reflection through the weeks of Advent on through Epiphany. Each day provides a quotation scripture passage reflection prayer This book includes a study guide for groups.

The Uncluttered Heart

Making Room for God During Advent and Christmas  
It's a time when we prepare our lives—hearts, minds, and spirits—for the coming of the Christ child. We sweep out the corners of our hearts, cleaning up the clutter, to make space for God's hope, peace, joy, love, and presence. The Uncluttered Heart offers four weeks of guided reflection through the weeks of Advent on through Epiphany. Each day provides a quotation scripture passage reflection prayer This book includes a study guide for groups.