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Showing 21 - 30 of 57 results

This Blue Christmas

An Experience of Light and Hope in an Unprecedented Advent  
Todd Outcalt
The Gospel of John reminds us, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5). In this season that feels dark to many, as people of faith we have the promise of enduring light. But we'll need to look for it! What difficulty will the season of Advent hold for you this year? Separation from family? Financial distress? Isolation? The distress of living with the deep unknown? In the midst of the darkness, there is light! The Upper Room invites you to join us ...

Blue Christmas

Devotions of Light in a Season of Darkness  
The Advent and Christmas season is often associated with joy, love, generosity, and unity. But for many people, this time of year magnifies loneliness, anxiety, grief, and despair. While others are enjoying celebrations with their friends and families, those who are hurting often feel even more lost, abandoned, and alone than ever. "Not all Christmases are white; some are blue," Todd Outcalt writes. Blue Christmas is a devotional book for the 28 days of Advent and Christmas Day. Each devotion...

The Living Nativity

Preparing for Christmas with Saint Francis  
Who came up with the idea of using nativity scenes to celebrate Christmas? Many might be surprised to learn that Francis of Assisi, the well-known thirteenth-century saint, is credited with creating the first nativity scene. The Living Nativity introduces readers to Saint Francis and his joyous reenactment of the birth of Jesus, complete with a manger and animals. The Living Nativity explores how nativity sets, Advent wreaths, candles, carols, Christmas cards, and other traditions help prepar...

Pauses for Advent

Words of Wonder  
Trevor Hudson
Taking time to pause for a few minutes each day can help us maintain balance in our lives, especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this simple yet not simplistic book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder for each day of Advent. His insightful reflections on the word for each day invite individuals and groups to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging us...

In Days to Come

From Advent to Epiphany  
George Hovaness Donigian
Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is only beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through Epiphany (January 6), also known as the 12th night of Christmas. Like the surprises of an Advent calendar, the meditations touch on many subjects. Some topics include "An Editor," "A Counting Song," "Prudence," and "Chrismons." Instead of putting away your nativity scenes and other Christma...

In Days to Come

From Advent to Epiphany  
Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is only beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through Epiphany (January 6), also known as the 12th night of Christmas. Like the surprises of an Advent calendar, the meditations touch on many subjects. Some topics include "An Editor," "A Counting Song," "Prudence," and "Chrismons." Instead of putting away your nativity scenes and other Christma...

Pauses for Advent

Words of Wonder  
Taking time to pause for a few minutes each day can help us maintain balance in our lives, especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this simple yet not simplistic book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder for each day of Advent. His insightful reflections on the word for each day invite individuals and groups to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging us...

Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer

A Simply Centered Advent  
Slow down, simplify, and add a burst of color to your Advent. The spiritual practice of coloring mandalas (circular designs), lighting candles, and praying regularly can help us stay centered on God during this busy time of year. Based on the 4 candles of the Advent wreath, this coloring book for adults weaves together the popular practice of coloring with 4 simple methods of contemplative prayer. This is more than just a coloring book for adults—it is also a visual prayer journal. Each chapt...

Simply Wait

Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent  
Pamela C. Hawkins
What if it really wasn't that hard to find more peace, more quiet, more room in your heart for the Christ child to be born? Hawkins will guide you—calmly and simply—through the busy season of Advent, and you'll come out of the four weeks more centered, rested, and spiritually renewed. "The idea for this book arose from my own experience of contemplative prayer, prayer that finds its home, not in busy doing or speaking, but in becoming, in being," writes Hawkins. Some Advent titles promise ref...

Prepare the Way

Cultivating a Heart for God in Advent  
Pamela C. Hawkins
Throughout Advent we read and sing the words Prepare the Way as we make room to welcome the Christ child into our lives once again. We prepare our city streets and buildings. We prepare our homes and workspaces. But sometimes Advent can slip away from us before we can prepare our hearts. In this 4-week study and prayer book, Pamela Hawkins invites us to prepare our hearts through guided prayer, readings from Isaiah and Matthew, as well as brief reflections on four scriptural themes: Peace, Ju...